A new subject has been introduced titled “Basics of JAVA Programming” (Sub Code: BPLCK105C/205C) for first year students of VTU. This subject has an integrated lab component. Here I am publishing the first version of the lab manual which has solutions and sample output for all the lab programs. Gradually more documentation and algorithms are planned to be added. Anybody can contribute and reshare this manual as it is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This manual has been prepared using entirely Free Software. The document has been typeset using the LATEX document preparation system.
The latest version 1.0 of the manual is provided here
Click on the download button above to download the manual. For people who would like to contribute check here https://gitlab.com/lab_manuals/java_manual_vtu_2022_23
All the programs have been compiled using the Python version 3.9.13 and has been tested on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) 64-bit Kernel Linux 5.15.0-56-generic
These programs can run on any GNU/Linux Operating system or any other OS with Java JDK installed.
If you are also looking for other subject Lab Manuals, head over to my following blog :
Looking for your feedback. Report if there are any errors in the manual in the comments section.
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