Introduction to Python Programming Lab (BPLCK105B/205B) Manual for VTU

Greetings, Python enthusiasts and eager learners! Today, I am thrilled to share some exciting news that’s bound to ignite your passion for programming. VTU has introduced a brand-new subject titled “Introduction to Python Programming” (Sub Code: BPLCK105B/205B) exclusively designed for first-year students.

This groundbreaking subject comes with an integrated lab component, offering you a hands-on approach to mastering Python’s wonders. But that’s not all – I am delighted to announce that the first version of the lab manual is already here! This manual is thoughtfully crafted with comprehensive solutions and sample outputs for all lab programs, providing you with guidance and insights as you embark on your Python journey.

Our vision for this project is to create a vibrant learning resource that continuously evolves with the help of the community. That’s why we have licensed the lab manual under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This means that everyone, including you, can actively contribute, modify, and share this manual with others, as long as the original authors are credited. Imagine the possibilities when passionate Python enthusiasts come together to shape and improve this resource!

In the near future, we plan to expand the manual further by incorporating more documentation and algorithms, making it an all-encompassing Python compendium. With your valuable input, we can create a treasure trove of knowledge that benefits every learner.

A repository of the solutions can also be found here

If you want to contribute please send a PR.

To follow along, you will need to set up a Python programming environment. We recommend using the Anaconda Python Distribution with Spyder as the integrated development environment (IDE). You can find the lab syllabus on the university’s website or click here.

For detailed instructions on setting up the Python programming environment on Ubuntu, please refer to my previous blog, which can be found below.

If you are looking for step-by-step instructions on how to set up the Python programming environment on a Windows system, I have provided detailed guidance in my other blog. You can access the blog below for all the information you need.

All the programs have been compiled using the Python version 3.9.13 and has been tested on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)  64-bit Kernel Linux 5.15.0-56-generic.


These programs can run on any GNU/Linux Operating system or any other OS with Python3 installed. After getting the necessary development environment setup, Now lets focus on the solutions. You can go to the appropriate program by clicking on the links below.

  1. Question 01
  2. Question 02
  3. Question 03 – Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation
  4. Question 04 – Digit Frequency
  5. Question 05 – Word Frequency in a File
  6. Question 06 – Sort File Contents
  7. Question 07 – Backup Directory into Zip Archive
  8. Question 08 – Assertions and Exceptions Demo
  9. Question 09 – Complex Class Demo
  10. Question 10 – Student Class Demo

Question 1

a. Student Details

Develop a program to read the student details like Name, USN, and Marks in three subjects. Display the student details, total marks and percentage with suitable messages.

Python Code

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 23 13:01:34 2022
Develop a program to read the student details like Name, USN, and Marks in three subjects. 
Display the student details, total marks and percentage with suitable messages.

@author: Prabodh C P

stName = input("Enter the name of the student : ")
stUSN = input("Enter the USN of the student : ")
stMarks1 = int(input("Enter marks in Subject 1 : "))
stMarks2 = int(input("Enter marks in Subject 2 : "))
stMarks3 = int(input("Enter marks in Subject 3 : "))

print("Student Details\n=========================")
print("%12s"%("Name :"), stName)
print("%12s"%("USN :"), stUSN)
print("%12s"%("Marks 1 :"), stMarks1)
print("%12s"%("Marks 2 :"), stMarks2)
print("%12s"%("Marks 3 :"), stMarks3)
print("%12s"%("Total :"), stMarks1+stMarks2+stMarks3)
print("%12s"%("Percent :"), "%.2f"%((stMarks1+stMarks2+stMarks3)/3))


putta:~/.../Programs$ python3 

Enter the name of the student : RAMESH
Enter the USN of the student : 1SI22CS036
Enter marks in Subject 1 : 87
Enter marks in Subject 2 : 78
Enter marks in Subject 3 : 65
Student Details
      Name : RAMESH
       USN : 1SI22CS036
   Marks 1 : 87
   Marks 2 : 78
   Marks 3 : 65
     Total : 230
   Percent : 76.67

b. Senior Citizen Check

Develop a program to read the name and year of birth of a person. Display whether the person is a senior citizen or not.

Python Code

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 23 13:23:54 2022

Develop a program to read the name and year of birth of a person. Display whether the person is a senior citizen or not.

@author: Prabodh C P
from datetime import date

perName = input("Enter the name of the person : ")
perDOB = int(input("Enter his year of birth : "))

curYear =
perAge = curYear - perDOB 

if (perAge > 60):
    print(perName, "aged", perAge, "years is a Senior Citizen.")
    print(perName, "aged", perAge, "years is not a Senior Citizen.")


putta:~/.../Programs$ python3 

Enter the name of the person : Akbar Khan
Enter his year of birth : 1978
Akbar Khan aged 44 years is not a Senior Citizen.

putta:~/.../Programs$ python3 

Enter the name of the person : George Best
Enter his year of birth : 1957
George Best aged 65 years is a Senior Citizen.

Question 2

a. Fibonacci Sequence

Develop a program to generate Fibonacci sequence of length (N). Read N from the console.

Python Code

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 23 13:36:30 2022

Develop a program to generate Fibonacci sequence of length (N). Read N from the console.

@author: Prabodh C P

num = int(input("Enter the Fibonacci sequence length to be generated : "))

firstTerm = 0
secondTerm = 1
print("The Fibonacci series with", num, "terms is :")
print(firstTerm, secondTerm, end=" ")
for i in range(2,num):
    curTerm = firstTerm + secondTerm
    print(curTerm, end=" ")
    firstTerm = secondTerm
    secondTerm = curTerm


putta:~/.../Programs$ python3 

Enter the Fibonacci sequence length to be generated : 8
The Fibonacci series with 8 terms is :
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 

putta:~/.../Programs$ python3 

Enter the Fibonacci sequence length to be generated : 5
The Fibonacci series with 5 terms is :
0 1 1 2 3 

b. Factorial & Binomial Coefficient

Write a function to calculate factorial of a number. Develop a program to compute binomial coefficient (Given N and R).

Python Code

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 23 13:36:52 2022

Write a function to calculate factorial of a number. 
Develop a program to compute binomial coefficient (Given N and R).

@author: Prabodh C P

def fact(num):
    if num == 0:
        return 1
        return num * fact(num-1)
n = int(input("Enter the value of N : "))
r = int(input("Enter the value of R (R cannot be negative or greater than N): "))
nCr = fact(n)/(fact(r)*fact(n-r))

print(n,'C',r," = ","%d"%nCr,sep="")


putta:~/.../Programs$ python3 
Enter the value of N : 7
Enter the value of R (R cannot be negative or greater than N): 5
7C5 = 21

Enter the value of N : 5
Enter the value of R (R cannot be negative or greater than N): 5
5C5 = 1

Enter the value of N : 3
Enter the value of R (R cannot be negative or greater than N): 1
3C1 = 3

Enter the value of N : 8
Enter the value of R (R cannot be negative or greater than N): 0
8C0 = 1

Question 3

Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation

Read N numbers from the console and create a list. Develop a program to print mean, variance and standard deviation with suitable messages.

Python Code

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 23 13:59:36 2022

Read N numbers from the console and create a list. Develop a program to print mean, variance and
standard deviation with suitable messages.

@author: Prabodh C P

from math import sqrt

myList = []

num = int(input("Enter the number of elements in your list : "))

for i in range(num):
    val = int(input("Enter the element : "))
print('The length of list1 is', len(myList))

print('List Contents', myList)

total = 0
for elem in myList:
    total += elem

mean = total / num

total = 0
for elem in myList:
    total += (elem - mean) * (elem - mean)

variance = total / num

stdDev = sqrt(variance)

print("Mean =", mean)
print("Variance =", variance)
print("Standard Deviation =", "%.2f"%stdDev)


putta:~/.../Programs$ python3 

Enter the number of elements in your list : 5
Enter the element : 45
Enter the element : 34
Enter the element : 86
Enter the element : 92
Enter the element : 35

The length of list1 is 5
List Contents [45, 34, 86, 92, 35]

Mean = 58.4
Variance = 642.64
Standard Deviation = 25.35

Question 4

Digit Frequency

Read a multi-digit number (as chars) from the console. Develop a program to print the frequency of each digit with suitable message.

Python Code

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 23 14:12:31 2022

Read a multi-digit number (as chars) from the console. 
Develop a program to print the frequency of each digit with suitable message.

@author: Prabodh C P

num = input("Enter a number : ")
print("The number entered is :", num)

uniqDig = set(num)

for elem in uniqDig:
    print(elem, "occurs", num.count(elem), "times")


putta:~/.../Programs$ python3 

Enter a number : 234939
The number entered is : 234939
4 occurs 1 times
9 occurs 2 times
3 occurs 2 times
2 occurs 1 times

putta:~/.../Programs$ python3 

Enter a number : 7843338
The number entered is : 7843338
7 occurs 1 times
4 occurs 1 times
3 occurs 3 times
8 occurs 2 times

Question 5

Word Frequency in a File

Develop a program to print 10 most frequently appearing words in a text file. [Hint: Use dictionary with distinct words and their frequency of occurrences. Sort the dictionary in the reverse order of frequency and display dictionary slice of first 10 items]

Python Code

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 23 14:21:12 2022

Develop a program to print 10 most frequently appearing words in a text file. [Hint: Use dictionary
with distinct words and their frequency of occurrences. Sort the dictionary in the reverse order of
frequency and display dictionary slice of first 10 items]

@author: Prabodh C P
import sys
import string
import os.path

fname = input("Enter the filename : ")      #sample file text.txt also provided

if not os.path.isfile(fname):
    print("File", fname, "doesn't exists")

infile = open(fname, "r")

filecontents = ""

for line in infile:
    for ch in line:
        if ch not in string.punctuation:
            filecontents = filecontents + ch
            filecontents = filecontents + ' '   #replace punctuations and newline with a space
wordFreq = {}

wordList = filecontents.split()

#Calculate word Frequency

for word in wordList:
    if word not in wordFreq.keys():
        wordFreq[word] = 1
        wordFreq[word] += 1
# print(wordFreq)
# for word, frequency in wordFreq.items():
#     print(word, "occurs", frequency, "times")

#Sort Dictionary based on values in descending order
sortedWordFreq = sorted(wordFreq.items(), key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True )

# print(type(sortedWordFreq))

# print(sortedWordFreq)

#Display 10 most frequently appearing words with their count

print("10 most frequently appearing words with their count")
for i in range(10):
    print(sortedWordFreq[i][0], "occurs", sortedWordFreq[i][1], "times")


putta:~/.../Programs$ python3 

Enter the filename : text.txt

10 most frequently appearing words with their count
the occurs 45 times
of occurs 24 times
party occurs 12 times
part occurs 12 times
a occurs 9 times
and occurs 8 times
second occurs 7 times
to occurs 6 times
shall occurs 6 times
first occurs 5 times

Question 6

Sort File Contents

Develop a program to sort the contents of a text file and write the sorted contents into a separate text file. [Hint: Use string methods strip(), len(), list methods sort(), append(), and file methods open(), readlines(), and write()].

Python Code

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 23 17:14:27 2022

Develop a program to sort the contents of a text file and write the sorted contents into a separate text
file. [Hint: Use string methods strip(), len(), list methods sort(), append(), and file methods open(),
readlines(), and write()].

@author: Prabodh C P

import os.path
import sys

fname = input("Enter the filename whose contents are to be sorted : ")      #sample file unsorted.txt also provided

if not os.path.isfile(fname):
    print("File", fname, "doesn't exists")

infile = open(fname, "r")

myList = infile.readlines()
# print(myList)

#Remove trailing \n characters
lineList = []
for line in myList:


#Write sorted contents to new file sorted.txt

outfile = open("sorted.txt","w")

for line in lineList:
    outfile.write(line + "\n")

infile.close()  # Close the input file
outfile.close() # Close the output file

if os.path.isfile("sorted.txt"):
    print("\nFile containing sorted content sorted.txt created successfully")
    print("sorted.txt contains", len(lineList), "lines")
    print("Contents of sorted.txt")
    rdFile = open("sorted.txt","r")
    for line in rdFile:
        print(line, end="")


putta:~/.../Programs$ python3 

Enter the filename whose contents are to be sorted : unsorted.txt

File containing sorted content sorted.txt created successfully
sorted.txt contains 15 lines
Contents of sorted.txt
A deep C diva.
All the troubles you have will pass away very quickly.
Beware of a tall black man with one blond shoe.
Don't read everything you believe.
Exercise caution in your daily affairs.
He changes the domain.
How does a hacker fix a function which doesn't work for all of the elements in its domain?
Lay on, MacDuff, and curs'd be him who first cries, "Hold, enough!".
People are beginning to notice you.  Try dressing before you leave the house.
The surest protection against temptation is cowardice.
To be or not to be.
Tuesday is the Wednesday of the rest of your life.
What is the square root of 4b^2?
You display the wonderful traits of charm and courtesy.
You may be recognized soon.  Hide.

Question 7

Backup Directory into Zip archive

Develop a program to backing Up a given Folder (Folder in a current working directory) into a ZIP File by using relevant modules and suitable methods.

Python Code

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 23 16:14:28 2022

Develop a program to backing Up a given Folder (Folder in a current working directory) into a ZIP
File by using relevant modules and suitable methods.

@author: Prabodh C P

import os
import sys
import pathlib
import zipfile

dirName = input("Enter Directory name that you want to backup : ")

if not os.path.isdir(dirName):
    print("Directory", dirName, "doesn't exists")
curDirectory = pathlib.Path(dirName)
with zipfile.ZipFile("", mode="w") as archive:
    for file_path in curDirectory.rglob("*"):
        archive.write(file_path, arcname=file_path.relative_to(curDirectory))
if os.path.isfile(""):
    print("Archive", "", "created successfully")
    print("Error in creating zip archive")


putta:~/.../Programs$ python3 

Enter Directory name that you want to backup : zipDemo
Archive created successfully

Question 8

Assertions and Exceptions Demo

Write a function named DivExp which takes TWO parameters a, b and returns a value c (c=a/b). Write suitable assertion for a>0 in function DivExp and raise an exception for when b=0. Develop a suitable program which reads two values from the console and calls a function DivExp.

Python Code

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 23 17:50:46 2022

Write a function named DivExp which takes TWO parameters a, b and returns a value c (c=a/b). Write
suitable assertion for a>0 in function DivExp and raise an exception for when b=0. Develop a suitable
program which reads two values from the console and calls a function DivExp.

@author: Prabodh C P
import sys

def DivExp(a,b):
    assert a>0, "a should be greater than 0"
        c = a/b
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        print("Value of b cannot be zero")
        return c

val1 = int(input("Enter a value for a : "))
val2 = int(input("Enter a value for b : "))

val3 = DivExp(val1, val2)

print(val1, "/", val2, "=", val3)


putta:~/.../Programs$ python3 
Enter a value for a : 7
Enter a value for b : 6
7 / 6 = 1.1666666666666667

putta:~/.../Programs$ python3 
Enter a value for a : 0
Enter a value for b : 5
AssertionError: a should be greater than 0

putta:~/.../Programs$ python3 
Enter a value for a : -3
Enter a value for b : 6
AssertionError: a should be greater than 0

putta:~/.../Programs$ python3 
Enter a value for a : 6
Enter a value for b : 0
Value of b cannot be zero

Question 9

Complex Class Demo

Define a function which takes TWO objects representing complex numbers and returns new complex number with a addition of two complex numbers. Define a suitable class ‘Complex’ to represent the complex number. Develop a program to read N (N >=2) complex numbers and to compute the addition of N complex numbers.

Python Code

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 23 18:11:47 2022

Define a function which takes TWO objects representing complex numbers and returns new complex
number with a addition of two complex numbers. Define a suitable class ‘Complex’ to represent the
complex number. Develop a program to read N (N >=2) complex numbers and to compute the addition
of N complex numbers.

@author: Prabodh C P

class Complex:
    def __init__(self, realp = 0, imagp=0):
        self.realp = realp
        self.imagp = imagp
    def setComplex(self, realp, imagp):
        self.realp = realp
        self.imagp = imagp

    def readComplex(self):
        self.realp = int(input("Enter the real part : "))
        self.imagp = int(input("Enter the real part : "))
    def showComplex(self):

    def addComplex(self, c2):
        c3 = Complex()
        c3.realp = self.realp + c2.realp
        c3.imagp = self.imagp + c2.imagp
        return c3
def add2Complex(a,b):
    c = a.addComplex(b)
    return c

def main():
    c1 = Complex(3,5)
    c2 = Complex(6,4)
    print("Complex Number 1")
    print("Complex Number 2")
    c3 = add2Complex(c1, c2)

    print("Sum of two Complex Numbers")    

#Addition of N (N >=2) complex numbers

    compList = []
    num = int(input("\nEnter the value for N : "))
    for i in range(num):
        print("Object", i+1)
        obj = Complex()
    print("\nEntered Complex numbers are : ")
    for obj in compList:
    sumObj = Complex()
    for obj in compList:
        sumObj = add2Complex(sumObj, obj)    
    print("\nSum of N complex numbers is", end = " ")


putta:~/.../Programs$ python3 

Complex Number 1
Complex Number 2
Sum of two Complex Numbers

Enter the value for N : 5
Object 1
Enter the real part : 1
Enter the real part : 9
Object 2
Enter the real part : 2
Enter the real part : 8
Object 3
Enter the real part : 3
Enter the real part : 7
Object 4
Enter the real part : 4
Enter the real part : 6
Object 5
Enter the real part : 5
Enter the real part : 5

Entered Complex numbers are : 

Sum of N complex numbers is (15)+i(35)

Question 10

Student Class Demo

Develop a program that uses class Student which prompts the user to enter marks in three subjects and calculates total marks, percentage and displays the score card details. [Hint: Use list to store the marks in three subjects and total marks. Use init() method to initialize name, USN and the lists to store marks and total, Use getMarks() method to read marks into the list, and display() method to display the score card details.]

Python Code

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 23 18:58:35 2022

Develop a program that uses class Student which prompts the user to enter marks in three subjects and
calculates total marks, percentage and displays the score card details. [Hint: Use list to store the marks
in three subjects and total marks. Use __init__() method to initialize name, USN and the lists to store
marks and total, Use getMarks() method to read marks into the list, and display() method to display the
score card details.]

@author: Prabodh C P

class Student:
    def __init__(self, name = "", usn = "", score = [0,0,0,0]): = name
        self.usn = usn
        self.score = score
    def getMarks(self): = input("Enter student Name : ")
        self.usn = input("Enter student USN : ")
        self.score[0] = int(input("Enter marks in Subject 1 : "))
        self.score[1] = int(input("Enter marks in Subject 2 : "))
        self.score[2] = int(input("Enter marks in Subject 3 : "))
        self.score[3] = self.score[0] + self.score[1] + self.score[2]
    def display(self):
        percentage = self.score[3]/3
        spcstr = "=" * 81
        print("SCORE CARD DETAILS".center(81))
        print("%15s"%("NAME"), "%12s"%("USN"), "%8s"%"MARKS1","%8s"%"MARKS2","%8s"%"MARKS3","%8s"%"TOTAL","%12s"%("PERCENTAGE"))
        print("%15s", "%12s"%self.usn, "%8d"%self.score[0],"%8d"%self.score[1],"%8d"%self.score[2],"%8d"%self.score[3],"%12.2f"%percentage)

def main():
    s1 = Student()



putta:~/.../Programs$ python3 

Enter student Name : Shivappa
Enter student USN : 1SI22CS065
Enter marks in Subject 1 : 87
Enter marks in Subject 2 : 79
Enter marks in Subject 3 : 92
                                SCORE CARD DETAILS                               
           NAME          USN   MARKS1   MARKS2   MARKS3    TOTAL   PERCENTAGE
       Shivappa   1SI22CS065       87       79       92      258        86.00

I am excited about the endless possibilities this subject and its lab manual offer. Whether you are a student eager to learn Python or an experienced programmer willing to contribute your expertise, this is the perfect opportunity to be part of a thriving Python community.

So, let’s come together, share our knowledge, and empower ourselves and others with the magic of Python programming. The journey begins now, and the sky’s the limit!

Stay tuned for updates and new contributions. Happy coding, everyone!  Looking for your feedback. Report if there are any errors in the manual in the comments section.

If you are also looking for other subject Lab Manuals, head over to my following blog :

Prabodh C P is a faculty in the Dept of CSE SIT, Tumkur and also currently a Research Scholar pursuing PhD in IIT Hyderabad. He conducts online classes for C, C++, Python. For more info call +919392302100

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